Conversation with Lindsay Avner of Bright Pink (Part 1 of 3)
Recently, we had the privilege of sitting down for a conversation with Bright Pink founder and CEO, Lindsay Avner. The lady packs an awesome and inspiring
Fibroadenoma: Another Potential Mammogram Finding
We do mammograms to help us find breast cancer, but we may find a lot of other, unexpected things. As promised, we are expounding upon
Nipple Discharge and Breast Health
The Talk Writing a blog about mammography touches on subjects around which there are not many conversations. Women may compare thoughts on recently read books,
Benign Mammogram Findings
Benign is a great word. It has a silent ‘g.’ It looks so pretty in cursive. But the best thing about that word is what it
Young Women and Breast Imaging
The most important thing to know about young women and breast imaging is: if you have any worrisome changes (feel a lump, skin texture change,
Alcohol Consumption and Breast Health
When studies started to show a potential for a positive correlation between heart health and red wine consumption, a quiet cheer erupted from some people
Estrogen and Breast Cancer: Risk and Risk Management
It is easy to get confused when it comes understanding the role of estrogen in breast cancer. Estrogen, after all, is just a hormone, and
Men and Mammograms
While we often think of mammograms as a purely female experience, there are several reasons a man may need to have breast imaging. And yes,
So Far, So… Flax
We will, from time to time here, discuss research in modern breast health. As big fans of science, we prefer facts to speculation (by a
Mammograms and the Several Types of Mastectomies
After a mastectomy, there has to be an upside. Of course, removing a deadly cancer can be one of them. So can saying, “I don’t