Monday Is Tweetchat Night!
We’re very excited about the upcoming #Komen365 Tweetchat on Monday, September 23rd! It will be from 7p-8p CST… and it’s being held where YOU are.
Mammography “IF” Fear #23: Does Cancer Mean Losing a Breast?
Many women face their annual screening mammogram with a world of fears based on the word “if.” What IF they find something? What will happen
MRI Improvements and Greater Potential for Breast Health
We can’t jump the gun and get giddy about this, but some good news in the field of breast imaging has recently arisen. A
Dept. of Redundancy Department: It’s Not Just About Mammograms
We aren’t just fans of mammograms – we’re fans of early detection. As it happens, mammograms are a great tool for finding breast cancers. But
Young Women and Breast Cancer
Young women provide a special challenge when it comes to breast health. Younger women, under the age of 40, are less likely to develop breast
Breast Health and the Things You Can Control: Modifiable Risk Factors
One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. It’s a sobering statistic and a seemingly insurmountable fact. It is what
Breast Cancer Screening – What To Do If You’re High Risk
Breast screening recommendations can be confusing for all women, particularly so for those of higher than average risk. The first thing to establish is IF
New Mammography Study: Cut Through the Confusion
There’s a new study out today in the journal Cancer. It’s all over the news (yay! breast health education!). This new study further supports current