What Is Nipple Discharge?
Discharge or leakage of fluid from the nipple – while not common – is certainly disconcerting. We’ve mentioned the topic of nipple discharge in the
We Love… Back in the Swing!
There are many great organizations for women who are currently fighting breast cancer – and we love them all. But what about life after breast
Brain Boost: Meditation To Improve… Everything
As doctors who study body parts and images that often come in slices, we work to put together the big picture -striving to keep the
Breast Health By the Numbers (…or Making a Difference: 44,000+ Women at a Time)
Breast cancer has some pretty stark numbers associated with it. The first you have probably memorized by now: 1 in 8 women will be
Thyroid Shield For Your Mammogram?
Do you need thyroid protection when going in for your mammogram? The short answer is: We say no. The slightly longer one is:
Six Steps to a Great Mammogram
Many women have a love-hate relationship with mammography – love what it can do, hate having to do it. And while most recognize the benefits
Breast Lump? 6 Questions
So… you’ve discovered a breast lump. Now what? Step one: breathe! Remember, breast lump does not equal breast cancer! Step two: empower yourself with knowledge
Another Reason to Remember Your Annual Mammogram
There’s more than one way to say this, because there’s more than one way it’s true: early detection saves lives. What causes us to say
Breast Cancer and the Race Gaps
A recent article in the New York Times highlighted something we’ve spoken of before: the unfair distribution of deadly breast cancers between races. Differences
Body Boost: Allergies, Babies and Puppies!
In a recent study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s good news for parents-slash-pet owners out there: you’ve got guts.