What are some common sinus-related issues? – Dr. Greg Reuter
Originally published 7/25/13 on diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com.
What different types of sinuses are there? – Dr. Greg Reuter
Originally published 7/25/13 on diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com.
What are the parts of the sinuses? – Dr. Greg Reuter
Originally published 7/18/13 on diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com.
Outpatient neuroradiology – Dr. Greg Reuter
Originally pushlished 7/16/13 on diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com.
What is neuroradiology? – Dr. Greg Reuter
Originally published 7/11/13 on diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com.
Introducing Dr. Greg Reuter…
Before we bring you the video series on neuroradiology and sinuses, we’d like to introduce our very own neuroradiologist, Dr. Greg Reuter. We are thrilled
Introducing Dr. Jeff Herman
https://www.dic-kc.com/sites/default/files/body-images/jh.jpgNow that you’ve seen Dr. Jeff Herman explain the many aspects of MRI, from “What’s that?” to MRI safety, we’d like to introduce him to
Awareness to Understanding: Ending the Breast Cancer Confusion
October is coming to an end and with it an end to another Breast Cancer Awareness Month. How successful was this 2015 month of pink
Paget’s Disease of the Breast – A Breast Cancer Story
It is now October (yikes – how did that happen?!?) meaning pumpkins, mums, football and multi-colored piles of leaves on the ground. It also means
Breast Density – What You Need To Know
Breast density is in the news a lot these days – just what is all the fuss about? Let’s review the facts about breast density