Let’s Talk About Breast Calcifications: Worry or Not?
(Image: On the left is an example of microcalcifications that turned out to be a mix of invasive cancer and DCIS – notice how they

Pink Promise Countdown
With spring time comes the countdown for the annual Susan G. Komen of Greater Kansas City’s Pink Promise Conference. This great and now educational event

Breast Cancer: Racial Disparities (and How To Change Those)
As physicians who specialize in medical imaging- our friends (and neighbors… and kids… and pets) hear us say “annual screening mammogram!” all the time. Better
Breast Cancer: Hiding in More than Just Lumps
Finding breast cancer can be tricky – hide and seek is often the challenge we mammographers face. Sometimes, misinformation helps hide it further, so we’d
Perks of Aging Don’t Always Include Stopping Mammograms
Getting older has its perks. The perks of adulthood continue as we age: elevations in career from intern to boss; the joy of children and
Making an Impact – One Person at a Time
Cynthia came for her yearly mammogram Friday- Cynthia is my hero of the day. She embodies the spirit of this October, showing that just one

Knowledge Is Key: Mammograms Are Nothing to Fear
The more you know, the less you fear. It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (you probably noticed a lot of pink recently…) and we wanted share
Life on a Line
From the painfully slow ticking of the clock before the end of the workday, to the bizarre speed it takes during vacation, time is never
Adulting by Appointment Only
Adulting. New words seem to pop up overnight, and as wordsmiths, exploring those new words and their reflection on our lives is sometimes a distracting
3D Mammography: Am I a Candidate?
It’s time for deciding on candidates! No, we’re not talking about the kerfuffle between Clinton/Trump, etc. This is much, much easier. And frankly, it’s more