Six Steps to a Great Mammogram
Many women have a love-hate relationship with mammography – love what it can do, hate having to do it. And while most recognize the benefits
Breast Lump? 6 Questions
So… you’ve discovered a breast lump. Now what? Step one: breathe! Remember, breast lump does not equal breast cancer! Step two: empower yourself with knowledge
Another Reason to Remember Your Annual Mammogram
There’s more than one way to say this, because there’s more than one way it’s true: early detection saves lives. What causes us to say
Breast Cancer and the Race Gaps
A recent article in the New York Times highlighted something we’ve spoken of before: the unfair distribution of deadly breast cancers between races. Differences
Body Boost: Allergies, Babies and Puppies!
In a recent study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s good news for parents-slash-pet owners out there: you’ve got guts.
BRCA: When To Get Tested
Now that BRCA 1 and 2 (BReast CAncer genes 1 and 2) have gained fame within popular culture thanks in large part due to actions
2013 Year In Review
Whew! We’ve reached the end of 2013, our inaugural year as bloggers, writing about radiology, women’s health and imaging and even some general fun stuff
We Love… Dr. Mary-Claire King
Ever heard of Dr. Mary-Claire King? If not, you’re in for a good story. Dr. King is a geneticist, exploring the human genes
Medicine for Breast Cancer Treatment? And Prevention!
The study evaluates a drug that has been used as treatment for some women with breast cancer, evaluating its effectiveness in a different task –
Exercise and Breast Cancer Drugs
We’re fans of exercise, but then you already know that – we like to say it can be fun and we love to mention that