BRCA and Double Mastectomies
The news media pretty thoroughly covered the news of Angelina Jolie’s breasts when she had a prophylactic mastectomy after finding she carried a BRCA gene mutation.
Non-Modifiable Risk Factors: Taking the Reins on What You Can’t Control
Knowing your breasts includes knowing your breast cancer risks. When it comes to risk factors for breast cancer, there are ones which are modifiable (like
Back to Basics: Three People Who Know Your Breasts
When it comes to basic breast health, it really is as simple as one-two-three. There are three primary people you can look to for your
Metastatic Breast Cancer: Knowledge Is Power
Breast cancer. We hate it. Yet we write about it all the time, because we feel that knowledge is power. Speaking of what was treated
Early Menarche, Estrogen and Breast Cancer Risk
The role of estrogen in women’s breast health is one of balance. While estrogen is required to regulate the functions of the female body, a
Your Breast Care Calendar: Mammograms, Self-Exams and CBEs
Now that your new year’s calendar has settled – family birthdays have been marked with stickers and vacation days starred – it’s time to lay
I Got the Blues, Ma, I Got the (Winter) Blues…
Everyone has a bummer day once in a while. As we continue in a winter that seems never-ending, those bummer days may seem to be
Finding An Accredited Mammography Site
Ok, so you’ve let a few seasons or years pass since your last mammogram… It’s not too late to get on track! Once you’ve made
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Breast Health
“As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie…” -Shakespeare, Sonnet 109 On this holiday of hearts, love, and poems, love for others
New Mammography Study: How Numbers Can Be Wrong
We love science. Science is the way we move forward in the fight against breast cancer. One of the things we learn as physicians is