Remembering the Promise: The Komen Brunch

Remembering the Promise: The Komen Brunch

Just a quick reminder that the RSVP deadline for the 2014 brunch is coming up! What brunch, you ask? This one:  


Every year (for many, many years now) Diagnostic Imaging Centers, P.A. has teamed up with Susan G. Komen of Greater Kansas City to host this special event celebrating breast cancer survivors and all who share the Komen vision of a world without breast cancer.  We promise an event full of good food, thought-provoking conversation, retail therapy supporting the cause, education and fundraising for the incredible goal of beating breast cancer once and for all!  


Be prepared to be awed by the stories of the breast cancer survivors; inspired by the accomplishments of Denise E. Gilmore, this year’s Legacy Promise Award Recipient; motivated by the words of Sheri Prentiss MD, our keynote speaker; and humbled to share it all with a room full of people committed to fulfilling a promise between sisters. Bring your hankies!  


Together, we are proud to work with Komen for the best possible health of women everywhere. This is why we come together for this brunch every year – to support, to honor, to share, to learn, to see this disease to its end.  


We cordially invite you to join us May 10th in Overland Park, KS. Tickets can be purchased by following this link and clicking on “events.” We hope to see you there!




Originally published 4/28/14 on