Now Is Not The Time To Skip Your Mammogram
Did you miss your annual screening mammogram last year?
Last year was memorable in SO many ways, but for breast cancer it was business as usual – breast cancer did not halt or slow down with the pandemic.
If you missed your screening mammogram, do not delay! First, you do not need to see your doctor to get an order for a screening study. A screening mammogram is the one you get when you have NO new signs or problems with your breasts. You can be seen without a doctor’s order. Call or click here to schedule – or you can just walk-in.
And then walk out with your results and peace of mind!
If you do have a symptom related to your breast – a lump, swelling, change in shape or nipple changes – don’t delay! Contact your doctor’s office and we can work you in our schedule as soon as we have the order.
Screening mammograms every year, starting at the age of 40, save the most lives from breast cancer. We hope to see you – mask and all – soon!