Mother’s Day The Healthy Way
For Mother’s Day on Sunday, and for the upcoming week of National Women’s Health Week starting May 12, let’s take the time to remind our mothers, ourselves and all the women who have influenced our lives to take the time to take care of themselves.
Women are our family caretakers – and sometimes their own health is put on the backburner. The special day for mothers on Sunday, and the focus on women’s health this week, should remind us that placing your health as a priority is important for you AND your loved ones.
Good health is not a given – it takes work. Eating healthy, getting exercise – yes, walking is a GREAT, easy way to get this, and making sure your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol are healthy levels are all important parts of the equation.
Remember, the leading cause of death for adult women in our country is cardiovascular disease! Curious as to the health of your heart arteries? Talk to your doctor about getting a CT calcium score.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women – surprised? Breast cancer is the second. Both diseases have screening tests that can help identify them at an early more treatable stage. If you are a smoker, make a promise to yourself as a part of this week honoring women to take the steps to become a former smoker. You CAN stop smoking – your doctor can help. If you are at high risk for lung cancer from smoking, talk to your doctor about a low dose CT of the chest – a test we recommend every year if you meet the high risk criteria.
Screening mammography every year starting at the age of 40 saves the most lives from breast cancer. This is a proven fact! If you are due for your mammogram, whether it’s been a year or 10 years, take the time to get it done this week. You can walk into any of our offices and walk out with your results that same day. Likewise, take the time to ask your mom if she has been screened – your nudge might be the thing she needs to get her life-saving screening.
Gifts are great, hugs and kisses are better, and a reminder to take the time to take care of themselves are all great ways to honor the special women in our lives.