New grant provides mammograms for uninsured women in the metro
Susan G. Komen®, in partnership with Diagnostic Imaging Centers, P.A., today announced a renewed grant to help provide screening mammography to uninsured women around the Kansas City metro. “We’ve been able to more than double our investment this year, bringing the total to spend on this potentially life-saving screening to more than $59,000 for the year,” said Michael A. Levine, interim executive director of Susan G. Komen Greater Kansas City.
The grant is a combination of funds from the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and a private fundraising event, which earmarked the raised dollars for use on the mobile mammogram coach.
In Kansas City, about 60% of women who should be screened are getting their mammogram every year. Increasing the number of women being screened is a goal of both Diagnostic Imaging Centers and Komen Kansas City. Early detection is still our best defense against this disease and for women over 40; mammography is a key part of early detection. With the mobile mammogram coach, Diagnostic Imaging Centers is able to reach many women who might otherwise not get screened. Bringing the coach to women across our city and beyond addresses issues with time, availability and transportation. With the help of the Komen grant, we are also able to reach women without insurance or other coverage, further breaking down barriers.
Women who will be eligible for this funding are 40 years or older and do not have insurance. “We are grateful for the continued collaboration with Komen Kansas City and are thrilled that this coming year even more women will be able to undergo potentially life-saving screening,” said Dr. Linda Harrison, Radiologist, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, P.A.. “We are reaching women who otherwise feel they have no options – truly rewarding and a step forward in our fight against this disease.”