Introducing… DIC’s Northland Clinic!
Happy Monday! We’re excited to continue our Mondays-are-introduction-days series on the Diagnostic Imaging Centers’ clinic. Today we have… the Northland office!
It comes as no surprise that, when talking to staff here, the resounding theme of love for their jobs is people – something that all DIC’s locations have in common. They appreciate and respect their co-workers, they love their patients, and they want nothing more than the best possible healthcare experiences for everyone.
Some of the ways our team has found to improve the healthcare experience for patients include finding small ways to solve larger problems, such as claustrophobia. Another CT tech explained that he’s learned some basic, important terms (like “hold your breath for a moment please”) in other languages.
Whether it’s greeting someone in their native tongue or helping reduce MRI anxiety, caring shines through. We also found that their passions don’t end at the door: from KomenKC to KCPT to the Nelson-Atkins, DIC-ers put their energy into keeping their hometown awesome and everyone healthy. They are an inspiring crew.
In North Kansas City, the best “care” in radiology can be found at 5400 North Oak Trafficway (Suites 119, 206), where we perform: bone density (DEXA), mammography, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, x-ray, fluoroscopy and MRI, both “open” and “closed.”
Originally published 6/23/14 on